
Have Fun Elsewhere

Hehe, I liked that last comment. It is nice to be provoked.

However, it is really not about politics being fun. Of course, it can be, but in a context of a long, long story. As I think I already mentioned - stories have no endings, but let us not stray.

In a world of Carl Bildts, politics should primarily be responsible. But the text was really about me, of course. The youngster is just there for tease.

But, more interestingly, my evidence about unresolved philosophical issues can be seen very well in this case. Law only tries to be more exact but falls short in case of e.g. interpretation (come on, lawyers - explain!).

Haven't you noticed Al Capone was imprisoned on a technicality? He was never tried for real crime. And every single one of us is prone to misuse the paragraphs and the situation to get his (noble) work done.
- Well, I was so much younger then.
- We were the good guys..

This is perhaps why I flinch most at its being called fun. Rigour, woman, rigour!

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