

Well, continued with H. last night. Another extremely clever remark, but perhaps indeed so, is that a dasain - or sth like that in bloody German (human being) - cannot but think in potentials.

And for real, can we avoid imagining ourselves in a year, if only we got that new job? Although not quite the same, this is something I had very much in mind when writing my latest piece (it's just that this is implicitly there, now indeed brought to consciousness, with an additional step forward).

My poem declares being mature includes - if not realizing much of potential - then definitely dividing the 'immature potential.' I.e., it is not enough to daydream but to know whether this makes any sense but grandiose indulgement.

To quote Goethe: There is nothing more dreadful than imagination without taste.


What's it to you? Well, you are on the wrong page. I write for coevals.

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