
Not Again!?

I remember stealing a book of various essays from the local Faculty of Philosophy library. Reckoned none were using it; hell, the thing is not on a single curriculum.

And, amid dozens of interesting ones (those who know anything about me - and have seen me philosophical - know I can be pretty much of a bore when it comes to this topic), there was one (Ruskin??) which states - more or less - that the ones who have nothing of their own, hide behind the nation. Naturally, ditto for any institution, sports club, ngo, whatever.

Today I had a conversation into which I introduced the concept of being extroverted. I must say people who I exchange nothing with rather bore me to death, and I would prefer them not to bother me with a mechanical and ever same version of hi.

There are probably three reasons that explain introverted ones: not enough tailoring material, an illusion that it is not us who create the 'special moment,' and simply - being a grown-up kid. Of course, one could go on with e.g. worrying about consequences, not really wanting contact and on and on.

The logical end for the exchange was my quoting a 90s perfume ad which presented a nonchalant youth above the caption of: Don't imitate, innovate!

What a delusion! One is almost tempted to show how language is established and preserved through repetition. Almost. A classic bye.

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