
He's Staring at Me Over the Book

A hi from a remote village in the Adriatic. Giving in to my vices in the capital, it becomes easy to forget that about two quarters of Croatia is Mediterranean. As always, I've found it pleasing to sink between pages of a book or two while checking out nude bodies and cracking a joke or two.

This time it's Hobbes. I've acquired a rather obscure title of the letters he exchanged with a certain bishop regarding 'chance and necessity,' but I figured I was in for an introduction first. It's been awhile since I first felt an inclination towards this philosopher since he maintained no man was free, and moreover - if I may translate it into my own terms - that it is highly questionable whether he exists in the conventional sense.

Two things struck me: he improved Descartes by introducing change in the 'image' before our eyes; the thing perhaps better illustrated by the fact that nothing can be repeated. (We should with I think beneficial effect introduce this in the curriculum of all those attending tourism classes.)
The other thing is how his (or anyone's) life fits. This is harder to explain. Suffice it to say, since I am on holiday after all, that you can, like me, decide to make your writing practical, but writing as an example is always practical.
Even if it's just there to while away the hour.

But the truly great thing about philosophy, as acceded by modern fancy French followers, is that - though it may change your whole vantage point for 180 degrees and indeed resemble science fiction - things do not really change in the absolute meaning. And further, if enough people start seeing the 'invented' way, anything from low spirits to nationalization can occur. Quite a sorcery.

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