
What Dreams!

Just reading Sabato's Resistance. He too mentions Don Quijote, which in turn made me think of a very good interpretation how this novel is the first work on novels. These make the Don mad, but Ernesto is absolutely right – if the present insists on what can be measured in money only and forgot beauty for instance, this does not mean the demon of the spirit is not there and will not walk through the back door.


What is not visible when too near, becomes apparent when viewed from the distance, just as if you watched the texture through a microscope. Likewise, we can delineate problems using only gross exaggerations.

What is ethics then? Is it the stars above us and the moral dictum in us – or is it the neighbour with the shotgun?


Tired of sailing we try to lower our anchor. But the chains are too short or the bottom too deep. And so we drift.

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