In the Same Vein
This other guy noticed how people have this instinct for stating the obvious. So, when they get off the plane they say something like: God, there's this buzzing in my ears; I hate that. ‘Really? How about root canal? You enjoy that?’
But did you notice when they associate? For example, you say something that involves bridges or bridge - and they are happy to add 'The Diary of Bridget Jones!' - for the simple reason they are aware of it – probably because of endless advertising – and then just dumbly stare, quite content.
One of my favourites – when not ruining my ears with music too loud – is listening to train conversations. I swear these are surreal. If you included them in a movie or a novel – you’d be accused of creating a caricature..
The starting point of many a philosopher has been social criticism. Then, after careful self-inspection and the analysis of metaphysical foundations, the grin sort of freezes because there simply remains no ground to criticize upon.
But, God, it’s good to go back sometime!
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