
Ehr.. something

I had a conversation with a friend who talked me into writing this blog the other day. As usual, he misunderstood my English - still, we arrived at some pretty interesting points.

The question was whether to recycle or use new material for blogs. Well, my point was that (1) the question was not whether life was exciting or not – indeed, I doubt I write much while I digest - but whether something of any worth could be produced on a regular basis.

I recently saw a production of The Barber of Seville – and even this work by undoubted genius falters from the end of act one. It is simply too hard to keep the level of lucidity and invention.

But, the issue keeps meandering. Writing, different from keeping track of your bowel movements and the like, is more often than not – self-referential. (2) This means it reflects the way others have written before more than it does what we call reality.

In one of Gombrich's books, dealing with the psychology of visual art, it is clearly shown painters have painted more like their predecessors and only then invented perspective.

(3) Already mentioned Arthur saw philosophy as one long conversation between dead people in time. I’m not overly interested in the personal or insignificant.

(4) Also, it is often shown how art has very little to do with events. It is more a question of perspective and style:

Probably the most banal definition of art or creativity is that it creates something out of nothing. But it is often I find that the best art consists OF nothing. I don't know what it is I want to say to you but I find it an interesting - and, of course, absolutely irrational development – that I want to say something to you.

Still, I agree with those who advocate daily practice. And – the question that rightly haunts the beginning of our every conversation is: What’s up?

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